Our top offers
Our configurator
Assemble your server system in our store according to your needs in just a few minutes.
Our warranty
With 12, 24 or even 36 months on-site service upon request.
Buy used servers for a reasonable price – the environment and your wallet will thank you for it
If you’re wondering how it is possible to offer intact and high performing branded servers for such reasonable prices, we would like to give you a transparent answer. It’s possible to buy inexpensive, refurbished servers that were once exhibition items, leasing returns or test equipment.
Such devices have been in use between one to three years. Afterwards, they undergo an in-depth check-up and refurbishment before we offer them through our online shop. These devices are fully functioning and come with a renewed warranty.
This means that we are able to offer you high-quality equipment by renown manufacturers at a discount. On top of that, it also protects the environment and conserves resources - refurbishing avoids electrical waste.
Custom-made servers for a reasonable price – Configure your server now
In order for the server to meet your requirements, we offer you the possibility to customize a server system. Our configurator allows you to add any additional features and services to your order. No matter what requirements you have for a server and what services it should provide for your company, we will create the perfect server for you.
Used HP servers just as new – used branded devices for fair prices

Our warehouse features a wide range of high-quality servers, storages, processors, RAM, HDDs and controllers from leading manufacturers. Stop searching through all the specialty stores and Internet offers for quantity articles.
Buy used servers, save money and get full performance - Serverschmiede makes it possible
Whether you buy a used HP server or choose another manufacturer - we always guarantee full performance.
Buying servers used is a modern and environmentally friendly solution to save costs. Since you can configure your server system according to your wishes and needs, you don't have to worry about expecting less from a used server. The customised server will be delivered fully assembled, tested, cleaned and updated with the latest freely available firmware.